Dear all,
When a project like this is born, I can ensure you that it is the result of many special souls working together in the right direction.
After lots of thinking, rethinking and sleepless nights... today we finally activate this web site "Vintage Treasures" by Meles Must. My objective is to share with you this passion for lace and embroidery and of course, for history in the textile European Industry. A team effort with the unconditional support of really special people that I feel is very important to mention them below.
Today, from me to you, our Special thanks to:
My friends Carmen and Andrés from Andrac Computing
Mercè Llimona, my grandmother and strongest guideline in my life.
Adele Zibetti from Junior, an inspiration of sublime design and ethical work
Penn Asia, Andy and Jimmy for his support to Meles Must Design Studio, along with all our small clients who have always believed in me...
Joan Badia from Perramon y Badia
My team: Jordi, Mercè, Begoña... Carlos y Begoña from Ibercolecciones!
The photographer, Joan Vendrell
And of course my husband Eric Must, for his unconditional support!